Monday, November 2, 2009

30 Days of Thanks

First order of business: Yes, I'm still pregnant. Due November 1st. Today is November 2nd. I think we can all do the math on that one. Appointment tomorrow to see what's what. I gotta say, I'm really ready to meet this little dude, but, apparently, I give good uterus.

Now that that's done...

Last year, I embarked on a post-a-day in November that I titled 30 Days of Thanks. Obviously, this November was not the November to go for a repeat since, theoretically, a new baby will be coming soon with all of his new demands and sleep interruptions and, oh yeah, the three-year-old will still need some attention as well as that guy I'm married to and at some point I might get to pee.

Imagine my surprise when a friend posted yesterday on her own blog that she'd be taking up the torch? I was truly touched and excited. Particularly excited when I noticed that two other blogs (blogs that are new to me) read my friend's blog and also decided to join the party.


So, if you want to join the fun, simply try a post a day for the month of November that highlight those big and little things you're thankful for, like new babies or buy one get one ice cream at the supermarket when you're overdue and figure what the heck, what's another gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream at this point?

I look forward to reading them.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yay for 30 Days of Thanks. I'm going to give it a try this year - LOVED it last year. Hoping for some baby news soon! Enjoy these last few days and nights of quiet! (Or at least the kind of quiet that is just ONE child!)