Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Thursday

I'm playing along with Goddess in Progress's Happy Thursday movement. I enjoyed my 30 Days of Thanks and think this could be a good way to keep the good vibes going...
So, today I am SO happy that we didn't cancel our yard guys yet. We're in the midst of hammering out the 2009 household budget. We're looking at a variety of ways to trim the fat and save some additional dough while we're in this volatile economic environment. You can't be too prepared when you're a one-income household, right?

Anyway, we had decided we'll probably lose our yard guys. We hired them back when we first brought peanut home so that we could focus as much as possible on our new sleep-deprived routines. Now, it has started to feel like a luxury, something we should be able to handle on our own.

HOWEVER, we haven't canceled them just yet and luckily they showed up today to clean out our gutters! Whew! I thought for sure we'd be up there this weekend doing it ourselves. What a pleasant surprise.

Oh Happy Day!


Liz Jimenez said...

Don't you love it when things like that work out at just the right time? Thanks for playing along with Happy Thursday!

Meredith said...

Happy Thursday (now it is Friday) HHM!!!! Hope you have a great weekend