Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

After the great costume dilemma of 2009 and the recent week of rest, Tamiflu and more rest, we made it for a brief appearance at the neighborhood Halloween party and the peanut handled 6 houses of trick-or-treating. Six may not sound like much, but have you walked the hills in our neighborhood? Yeah, that's why I'm home downloading pics and handing out candy. is a of pic of our finished and, yes, hand-made with love, costume for the peanut:

And yes, he proceeded to tell us all the things that were NOT Thomas-accurate.

Even Mama got in on the action this year:

Ready to meet this "bouncing" baby boy!

Hope you all are enjoying your Halloween tricks and treats! I'm off to indulge in a few Special Darks and Reese's Cups. Mmmmm...not so bad being pregnant on Halloween after all.


Amy Jo said...

Too cute! Happy halloween!

Stephanie said...

Love BOTH costumes! Awaiting good news any day now...!