Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a Week...

Was it really a week ago that I posted last? It can't be. Sheesh. I'm apparently slacking in the blogging department.

In the last seven days High Heeled Mama has:

* Gone on a road trip to Asheville to spend some quality time with her high heeled sis and the peanut.

* Built FIRE! Oh yeah, we are strong women who don't need men (ahem, a call to our dad to confirm our fire strategy doesn't count, right?) to build fire and heat a really cold cabin! A special shout out to all those Girl Scout camp counselors - something apparently rubbed off.

* Freaked out at peanut's first really high fever (102!) and proceeded to leave fun road trip with HHM's sister to get him to a doctor's office (note: he's fine. Just a bad cold.).

* Sucked copious amounts of yucky goo from peanut's nose.

* Been to the pediatrician, my OB/GYN (no, not because peanut's getting a special present for Christmas so stop wishing that on me) and my family doctor (for my own infectious nose/throat disease that we're apparently passing around the HHM household) in 36 hours.

* Baked cookies.

* FINALLY finished my Christmas shopping.

* FINALLY sent out my Christmas cards.

* Waffled about 800 times about whether we're making the right decision to spend Christmas at home as a nuclear family and not going back to our home state.

* Realized today that yes, this is the right decision because otherwise I'd be freaking out about everything I haven't done yet (um, like finish one hand made gift and wrap ANYTHING) and we'd more than likely have been in the car right now driving 6 hours to NC and probably irritated about it.

* Discovered that Joseph in our nativity scene is on the lam - seriously, every time we pass the display on the top of the shelf in our "breakfast room," Joseph's in a different place. (The display is in a high-traffic area so I think it's just wiggling and he must be the only figure off balance enough to shimmy around our "stable." But it's still a little freaky!).

So what have you all been up to in preparation for Christmas?

We're looking forward to an evening of decorating cookies, wrapping presents and finishing up that last present I need to make. Although it is bittersweet to not be going home for Christmas Day (could I hear "Home for the Holidays" one more time this season?!), we are really looking forward to a relaxed Christmas morning with our peanut. And, of course, we are looking forward to our extended visit with our families without the pressure of seeing everyone (and trying to squeeze in a 3 hour nap for peanut) all in one day. Instead, we'll have multiple opportunities to see folks and in a more relaxed manner meaning more treasured memories for our little guy (and by memories, I mean the stories we'll tell him when he sees the pictures later in life).

Happy Holidays!

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