Tuesday, November 4, 2008

30 Days of Thanks: Day 4

Today I am thankful for...the right to vote.

It's finally here. This election has gotten downright nasty. Barbs, accusations, threats. It felt personal on the days when I heard I apparently was not a real Virginian because I lived in NoVa or the insinuation that I'm not a real American with real problems because I live in a city and not a small town.

But the fact of the matter is, we're all Americans. And we all have a voice. It's the beauty of living where we do. And with that right comes great responsibility. Responsibility to engage in the process and make a choice. Responsibility to respect another's right to make a different choice than you. Responsibility to come together behind whomever the next commander in chief is and work to find solutions to the very real problems that affect both democrats and republicans.

So, today I am thankful that the line only took me an hour and change to get through. I am thankful that peanut behaved relatively well during our hour long wait. I am thankful for the North Atlanta High School PTSA for having a bake sale with treats that I could bribe peanut with during those last 20 minutes when the books and coloring books weren't enough. I am thankful that I cast my ballot. And I am extremely thankful that we won't have to sit through any more negative messages.

If you haven't yet voted, get out there! You'll be thankful you did.

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