Monday, November 3, 2008

30 Days of Thanks: Day 3

Today I am thankful for...paint.

I spent the last several days painting our "keeping room." I don't really know what a keeping room is, but it's the random room next to our kitchen that we currently have set-up with our casual dining table and occasionally serves as my home office. It has desperately needed paint since the moment we moved in four years ago, but there were other rooms that were tackier and took a higher priority. Then we had a baby and weekend, DIY projects like that just fell to the wayside, along with our free time.

But it was time. Peanut and I spend a lot of time in that room eating meals, snacks, playing Play-Doh, doing projects and the tacky, wet-Band-Aid brown that had been shoddily slapped on the walls in an attempt to cover the tackier wet-cement gray-green that was underneath it was no longer cutting it. So, after a couple of trips to Home Depot, I put on my painting cap and got started.

In our house, I'm the DIY leader. My dad taught my sister and I how to paint a room the right way. We helped paint living rooms, painted our own bedrooms, repaired holes in the wall, helped choose colors. The painting in our married home has largely fallen on my shoulders. I don't mind it, really. It's so satisfying to watch a physical transformation that you are responsible for.

And that's where I am today. Basking in the glow of my accomplishment. Loving my clean, beautiful sage green walls that are aptly named, "Rejuvenate." Ahhhh.

I'm almost inspired to paint the final room in our house I haven't touched yet...the kitchen. Almost.

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